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There are several reasons why you may not be able to renew an item yourself.

Some loan types  cannot be renewed:

  • Serials (4 week loan - no renewals) - these item types are not usually for loan but can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for loan / renewal.  Contact AskaLibrarian for a renewal.
  • Reference materials (4 week loan - no renewals) - The loan policy may be changed to Monograph upon review of the reference item. Contact AskaLibrarian for a renewal.

Recalled items and items with a request queue cannot be renewed because they are required for other borrowers.

Blocked from borrowing?

Borrowers are blocked from further borrowing once one item has reached a system status of lost. Borrowing can easily be reinstated by requesting a renewal of items still required (and in hand), or advising library staff that items have been misplaced. Contact AskaLibrarian.

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